Monday, September 22, 2008


monday morning, great weather, overcast/cloudy and cool (perfect for drinking coffee)

had a blast last night playing music with ryan in his studio and gets me thinking of really pursuing music again. i definitely miss being stretched, pushed and challenged in that area and was thoroughly stoked and amped after last night. right now im in this season of figuring out what it is im going to do with life (i think the majority of people are in that place).

so, i am going to just let the sails take me wherever and see what happens...

well time to get back to work

Friday, September 19, 2008

driving down to sd today to get my new tat. so stoked.

i will also be broke as a monkey until i get paid on Oct 2nd. i am now on a nice tight budget for the next few months due to having to start paying off a school loan and paying a little more in rent. i need to get a raise at my job badly or get another source of some extra mula so i can have a bit more spending money...

maybe start some guitar lessons, i have some people bugging me to do it...

Thursday, September 18, 2008

its a totally beautiful morning, just got back from prayer and eating some breakfast at mimi's with luc, eric and bruce.

time for an early morning swim

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

flamers @ world market?

so, funny story:

luc and i the other day were heading into world market to buy some wall art to finish off our place and as were walked into the store luc noticed the ladies at the counter kinda staring and laughing at us. i noticed luc kinda chuckling to himself and he said "ill tell you in a second."

we were there for probably 30 min or so comparing pictures and colors and trying to find some candles and few other small things for out place. when we get up to the counter to pay the lady asked "did you guys just move here" and i say "yah we just moved in together down the st." she started them giving us all these shopping and cooking tips as were paying for our merch.

looking back i realized what i said "we just moved in together" and we were comparing colors, art, and trying to find the best smelling candle(i was wearing a pink t-shirt that day).

so the ladies totally thought we were...well you know...

new home...

settling into my new apartment off of mckinley st in corona. luc and i have finally finished furnishing the place and it is beginning to feel at home.

totally looking forward for this new season. working with the youth this year will be exciting, have established good relationships with them and am stoked to see how they will grow and how i will be taught by them (which is awesome). looking forward to what the lord will show me this year in all aspects of life, how i will grow and be stretched.