Body pressed flush against the tree stump waiting for the whizzing of the clods to pass. You wait and wait and wait and there seems to be no break. You think to yourself, "man, how many of those things do they have?" You look over at your friend who's waiting just like you for the moment to attack. You both look at each other and give the nod, he pops up first and immediately gets tagged with 3 clods and falls to the ground wounded with dirt and rocks. You think, "we got to rush them, there is nothing else I can do but gather all of the clods I have and go on a suicide run." So you gather all that you have left and tell your wounded companion to cause a diversion for you so you can run the right flank and tag whoever you can.
You wait patiently by the far right side of the fallen tree stump glancing through the roots which give you plenty of coverage and camouflage, yet plenty of visibility of the other team. (ok, 3....2.....1......) "GO!!!", you scream as your teammates jump up and begin barraging the other team with clods. You bolt out from your coverage and jet towards the enemy stronghold. You begin to see the frightened heads of the enemy, and a smirk begins to peal across your face. As you round the back right side of their base you start from left to right pounding each and everyone of them with clods. By the time they realize you are there they are already getting pounded, some of the frightened ones jump the side and get pounded by the barrage from your teammates.
Victory is at hand, the entire enemy squad is down, you raise your hands and cheer, and you hear the roaring sound of your squad mates running towards you like the sound of a thousand horses. They hoist you up on their shoulders and begin chanting...
Ah, thinking back to those days as a kid, where we could just play and throw things at each other and pass the day away. Then we grow up and this sort of approach is usually just tossed out the window and even looked down upon. I think we can and should approach things in life with "being a kid" in mind. It can make life way more enjoyable instead of acting like we are old farts and dinosaurs (don't get me wrong i love dinosaurs, i was just using that terminology to describe, well old people, yah know like oooooooolllllld...).
I state this also because right now there are two huge mounds of dirt outside my office due to some building going on and all I want to do is go out there and start a dirt clod fight.
2 years ago
Well, what about Chris? I know he likes acting like a dinosaur... Velociraptor ftw! :)
please go play in the dirtclods. serioulsy, pleAAAse.
I still think it would be funny if you would have pushed the dirt back into the hole that they were digging.
We should like go run to the top of the dirt pile and play king of the mountain or something. haha
This reminds me of a time (wow, over 7 years ago) when I was playing in knee-high grass, hiding and whatnot with some kids with walkie-talkies drawn onto wooden blocks. It was so fun and freeing, no worries. Good times. :)
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